Saturday, 31 July 2010

Yayyyyy - PAY DAY!!!

July's Pay Day is FINALLY here, and I'm so excited - because now I can book myself on a couple of online workshops :)

I just can't decide which ones .....

Inspiration Inspired

Moving Into Manual Mode

Adventures In Scrapbooking - Use Your Stash

Book of Stories

and Me - The Abridged Version - all over on Big Picture Scrapbooking.

I'd love to be able to do them all, but as I'm also hoping DH will chip in towards (or even buy me) a Cricut Expression (£300ish) I better not push my luck too far LOL

Friday, 30 July 2010

Tigers Two!

Well, the school holidays have been a bit mixed so far.

Had a great day on Monday at Paradise Wildlife Park - first layout below :)

Then spent Wednesday evening at A&E with James :( - he had a bite on his neck, which turned into Impetigo. So, I'm now pouring antibiotics down his throat 4 times a day (he's being really good though).

We've also got a houseguest for the weekend - he's about 8" long and squeeks a lot :) He's joined us because he had a bit of a scuffle with his flatmate and came off worse! Got a lovely lump of skin taken out of his back ..... and I have the pleasure of putting his cream on twice a day. Be fine ... so long a I don't get him and James mixed up LOL.

Can you guess what it is yet???? LOL